Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Around my classroom!

My students were mixing up pentagons and hexagons, so I wanted to find a way to make it stick that a pentagon has 5 sides and a hexagon has 6.  I started graphing their birthdays so that 5 year olds were pentagons and 6 year olds were hexagons.  On their birthday, they were so excited to become a hexagon!  No one mixed it up anymore!

We learned about endangered, extinct and unthreatened animals.  We read about an animal (where it lives, what it's predators are etc.) and students made predictions about which category that animal would fall in.  Then we graphed it.

We read The Lorax to start our unit on protecting the Earth.

 Everyone in the class has a job.  I use community helpers from our community to name each job.  I change the jobs every Monday.  The jobs are: president, superman :) (backup), waiter/waitress, maintenance worker, gardener, teacher's assistant, mail carrier, news anchor, doctor, electrician, police officer, DJ, meteorologist, mathematician.

We did an author study on our favorite authors.

I use ice cream scoops to track heart word progress.  The heart words are in groups of 10 on different colored ice cream scoops.  When scholars can read all the words in that scoop, they get that colored scoop on their ice cream cone.  When everyone can read all 100 of their kindergarten heart words, we earn an ice cream party!

We memorized part of Oh The Thinks You Can Think and performed it as a poem for the school!

Practicing stretching out words.

I love taking some time in the summer to re-organize my library!

Organized library, phew!

Measurement posters

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