Monday, December 31, 2012

Bulletin Boards!

"Voracious Readers Can Go Anywhere"

Favorite Books Bulletin Board

The Crayon Box That Talked bulletin board

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We have a class timeline where we put pictures of things we do each month!

We went apple picking!

Then we made apple sauce with the apples we picked!

Monday, September 3, 2012

At the big books center we are working on the word THE.  Students go through the big books and every time they find the word "the" they write it on an index card.
I bought clear spoons and colored spoons and wrote uppercase letters on the colored spoons and lowercase letters on the clear spoons.

Then at the Spoons literacy center, students match uppercase and lowercase letters.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The new school year starts on Monday! This is my welcome board.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I made this reading strategies bookmark so my kids can remember their word attack strategies during independent reading!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I went to the hardware store today and stocked up on paint samples.  I used these ones to make a poster to teach about different shades of colors.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Changing seasons

We went to the Arnold Arboretum in the fall.
Then we went again in the spring.

We found the same tree we took a picture with in the fall, and took another one in the spring.  It was a fun way to really see how the seasons change!

The first poem of the year that we memorized was The Crayon Box That Talked by Shane DeRolf.  In art, my class made crayons to wear at arts performance night.  Then they performed the poem for the whole school!


We made play dough and had so much fun!  This is the recipe we used for no cook play dough:

1 cup salt
1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons oil
A few drops of food coloring

Work samples

At the end of the year, my students made posters for next years incoming kindergarteners teaching them how to be a good friend.  It was a cute way for them to share everything they learned about friendship this year!

I am excited to use these posters next year to talk about being a good friend!

Around my classroom!

My students were mixing up pentagons and hexagons, so I wanted to find a way to make it stick that a pentagon has 5 sides and a hexagon has 6.  I started graphing their birthdays so that 5 year olds were pentagons and 6 year olds were hexagons.  On their birthday, they were so excited to become a hexagon!  No one mixed it up anymore!

We learned about endangered, extinct and unthreatened animals.  We read about an animal (where it lives, what it's predators are etc.) and students made predictions about which category that animal would fall in.  Then we graphed it.

We read The Lorax to start our unit on protecting the Earth.

 Everyone in the class has a job.  I use community helpers from our community to name each job.  I change the jobs every Monday.  The jobs are: president, superman :) (backup), waiter/waitress, maintenance worker, gardener, teacher's assistant, mail carrier, news anchor, doctor, electrician, police officer, DJ, meteorologist, mathematician.

We did an author study on our favorite authors.

I use ice cream scoops to track heart word progress.  The heart words are in groups of 10 on different colored ice cream scoops.  When scholars can read all the words in that scoop, they get that colored scoop on their ice cream cone.  When everyone can read all 100 of their kindergarten heart words, we earn an ice cream party!

We memorized part of Oh The Thinks You Can Think and performed it as a poem for the school!

Practicing stretching out words.

I love taking some time in the summer to re-organize my library!

Organized library, phew!

Measurement posters

Ideas I got from Pinterest!

I started looking at Pinterest for new ideas for my classroom, and got some really cute ones!
 I used this "secret message" as a prize for good behavior.  When the whole class had a great day or reached a goal or worked hard together, they would get a letter flipped over.  When all the letters were flipped over they won that prize.  In this picture they were competing for a movie party! (this was the picture under the hint:)

Also in the first picture you can see the writing contest we were having.  Each scholar was working toward a writing goal and was in a competition with the others working toward the same goal.  At the end of each week, the scholar who worked hardest to reach their goal took home the award.  Students changed groups and goals depending on what they were working on.

I found the idea for these posters on Pinterest!  They show students what great participation and great listening looks like.  We talked about how great listening and great participation helps everyone learn.